Fashion Design
This course has been sincerely formulated to give every fashion enthusiast to learn very closely an overview about the theoretical aspects and core concepts of the science of fashion design not just drawing. Students in this course will study both; the basic figure-drawing, illustration, coloring and shading techniques along with everything that this course covers.
Students can dig deep into the design field while they build their unique portfolios that could be presented during interviews or while creating their own collection.
Course Content
Round-up of the fashion industry &introduction to the design cycle.
Introduction to Fashion Branding.
Fashion History, Silhouettes and terminologies.
Designer’s calendar & production schedules.​
Introduction to fashion trends & forecasting.
Collection theory & research.
Collection concept development.
Mood board, Fabric board and line sheet.
Creating designs from boards- Design initiation.​
Design development , collection creation Flat drawing & technical sheet.​
Fast sketching techniques.​
Collection finalisation & presentation.
Final Project: Fashion portfolio with branding outline, collection research, mood board, fabric samples, designs and technical drawings.