Oil Painting Course
Explore the subtle art of painting with oils with our course. Whether you’re improving your technique or starting from scratch with oils, this course will help you paint with confidence. With its bright, deep colours, texture and endless subtlety, many artists consider oils the king of paints - but painting in oils can be a tricky skill to grasp. This detailed and immersive course will help you to grasp the basics and improve your oil painting skills as you will watch full demonstration of making oil painting step by step. Learn how to manipulate your paintsto achieve desired results, get hints and tips on how to use brushes and palette knives, and discover painting techniques that will add character to your work.
Course Content
Oil Painting Course:
How to stain your canvas
How to set up your palette
How to mix and manipulate colors to achieve desired results
Explore painting process from start to finish
Learn Wet on wet technique
Learn Impasto (Knife) technique
How to clean your tools
Course Duration
10 Classes / 20 Hours